How We Came To Be

How We Came To Be

As a child, I had the privilege of spending most days working with my father in his garage. There, he taught me not only his trade of auto mechanics, but also how to live as a man. Keith Mitchell, my dad, was a powerful man, balanced with kindness and a calm way about him. He was very hospitable, hardworking, and he never hesitated when called onto do the right thing- even when the inconvenience and cost were great to him. When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, all the while dealing with his own illnesses, my father focused all of his energy on caring for her needs. Even in the face of such suffering, my father was always encouraging to my mother and found ways to make her laugh up until her last breath. My dad believed that people are not limited to the state we happen to find ourselves in or by the opinions of others. He saw the beauty in every person, thing, and situation, and was able to reveal that to me - showing me that we as human beings are capable of achieving greatness.

After being sick for nearly two decades and surviving as a widower for eight years, my father fell asleep in death during the summer of 2015. I began designing and building furniture from parts he had left over in his stock- this is my little way of honoring his ideals. Each piece is a reminder of what he believed- that we all have areas in our lives that need to be repurposed or upcycled. We need to stop seeing things as they are, but as they could be. We all must strive to see beauty no matter how difficult life proves to be, and we must help each other focus on that distinct beauty. KeithParts is about seeing value where we so often overlook!

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